
Loading docks

The best loading dock solutions on the market

System installed exclusively in those companies that have lorry unloading entrances directly into the warehouse, trying to avoid as much as possible the openings of the warehouse to the outside, to prevent the entry of air, insects, atmospheric pollution, etc.

The entrance of the truck to the ship is provided with different systems: Shelter, ramp, safety accessories, etc.

System that adapts the discharge inlet to the characteristics of the truck.

General characteristics

  • The cargo shelter provides insulation to avoid contamination of the plant as much as possible, molding itself to each type of truck. There are different types of shelter, the retractable one, suitable for the vast majority of trucks, and the inflatable one, intended for places where maximum insulation is needed, fitting to the structure of the truck.
  • The hydraulic ramp gradates its height and distance to the truck to avoid unevenness and to be able to access with loading and unloading vehicles easily.
  • Different models available according to the needs of each dock.
  • Accessories that can be adapted to each loading dock and according to the needs of the site, such as wedges for truck wheels, safety stops, guides, etc.

Technical characteristics

  • Energy savings with cargo shelters.
  • Robust structure of the coat and tarpaulins resistant to the friction of the truck.
  • Ramp made of lacquered steel.
  • Automatic system on the ramp through a highly durable hydraulic mechanism.
  • Various security systems according to CE regulations.

Examples of use