Committed to quality
One of the main objectives of our company policy is the quality, both of the product that is transformed and leaves our factory and of the assembly and after-sales service. Our workforce has a lot of experience and we have been together for many years, which gives us the advantage of being able to offer a quality service with a lot of professional experience.
To guarantee this experience, our products go through an internal control procedure.
On the other hand, we have also been pioneers in putting our products through a series of tests to pass safety regulations and to have an external party guarantee our thoroughness in manufacturing.
We tailor-make each product in order to meet, not only the aesthetics that the customer is looking for, but also the technical needs that each door or lock needs.
We don’t just give the guarantee required by law, but we want the customer to be happy with the purchase made throughout the useful life of the door or automation.
We work with major brands of automation and raw materials, trying to apply competitive prices.

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Lectus erat, consectetur eu sapien eget rhoncus consectetur sem. Proin cursus, dolor a mollis consectetur, risus dolor fermentum massa, a commodo elit dui sit amet risus. Maecenas ornare nisl a tortor ultrices bibendum. Nulla fermentum, metus quis sodales tristique, augue mauris molestie augue, non feugiat ligula neque nec felis.